API Integration

We are proud to offer API Integration as an enhanced method of delivery to all of our partners. The integration allows us to deliver customers directly to your CRM system. Though this does not get you customers any faster than our other methods, it does save time. An API integration saves your sales staff from having to enter the customer information manually. It also allows customers to enter into your marketing funnel immediately.

We have successfully integrated with all of the large CRM platforms through their API’s for pushing customers directly into those systems. 

Depending on your system, the information we will need will vary.    Please consult with your technical team on how to collect this information.

If you would like to explore adding an API integration to your ShredTronics account, please contact our Partner Advocacy team at 303-962-5576, partneroutreach@shredtronics.com or click the button below and fill out our form to contact us.

*This service is not part of our standard customer delivery package.