New customers take time and money to find. In fact, one of the largest costs of doing business is customer acquisition. 

Discover how ShredTronics can help your business gain new customers that fit into your current routes and fall within the range of your services for a fraction of the cost of finding these customers yourself.

How Much Does It Cost To Get a New Customer?

ShredTronics is one of the most cost-effective ways to help grow your electronics recycling business. Use our customers as an opportunity to grow or use our services as a way to supplement and enhance your current marketing plan.

Customer Cost and Volume

Cost and volume depends on what you offer and more importantly, your service area. We have different ways that you can use and adjust our service to meet the requirements and needs of your electronics recycling business.

The actual cost of your particular service depends on several factors.

  • How many different types of customers do you want us to send? We charge by customer, but you can select the different types of jobs you want to service.
  • How much territory do you want to cover? As your territory grows, the volume of customers we send your way will grow.
  • How often do you want us to send you customers? You can change how often and where you get your customers at any time and even put your service on hold if you’re on vacation.

When you compare the cost of our customers to other marketing tactics, you’ll see the advantages of our service. We give you the opportunity to reach and service customers with an immediate need in the area you choose. All that’s left is for you to contact the potential customer and close the sale.

To learn more about how we can help you grow your business, give us a call at (303) 962-5576

Additional questions you may have

Do you have a replacement policy?

Absolutely! If you happen to receive a defective customer, we will replace that customer with another one of the same value. Click here to read more about our replacement policy.

What is your cancellation policy?

If you wish to cancel your membership for any reason, simply notify us by phone or email. Once we have received and processed your request, we will stop sending you customers. You are only responsible to pay for the customers you received up to the time we have confirmation of your cancellation.

What if I need to go on vacation?

We don’t want to charge you for customers that you might receive while you’re on vacation. Any partner can set their account on “vacation hold” for 10 business days. If you’re going to be gone longer than that, we’ll work with you. Just give us a call at (303) 962-5576.

If you don’t contact us and your account exceeds 10 consecutive business days of inactivity, there is a chance that we will fill the territory that you cover with a new or existing network partner. This will maintain our high-level of customer service to our customers and to keep from upsetting the balance of contractor coverage.