Our Partner Development and Advocacy Team is invested in your success! There are three key steps you can take in order to take advantage of all the potential benefits your account has to offer.
Step One – Follow Up with Your Customers
Your account portal hosts 5 years of customer history. Our referrals are not only meant to be leads to customers who have current needs, but also potentially a lifetime customer. Simply login to the portal and download the customer data by month or a specific date range.

This will allow you to follow up with customers for their future electronics recycling needs.
Step Two – Review Account Settings
When is the last time you reviewed your account settings? We offer a variety of service types and you may be missing out on leads that you handle on a daily basis. The account settings also allows you to update your customer type, set a budget and schedule your vacation holds when necessary.
Step Three – Review Referral Categories and Preferences
When is the last time you reviewed your service area? We want to make sure we are sending you leads in your service area. If you expanded, you can also update your service area to get more leads in other areas. Your service area map can be found under Settings.
These three steps are the best ways to continuously maximize the full potential of your account. We are always looking for ways to help our partners be successful. If you have any questions or want to share your success, call us at (844) 648-4908 or fill out a form.